With eczema affecting so many different people, it is important to treat it in a myriad of different ways. Since everyone’s body is their own, there is no single approach that works for everyone. One treatment that has been developed and used widely is the application of topical steroids.
Why Steroids Help
The most common steroids used in the treatment of eczema are a class of compounds called corticosteroids. These hormones are produced naturally in the body in the adrenal cortex and take part in several physiological reactions like stress response, protein catabolism, and electrolyte levels in the blood. But specific to eczema, corticosteroids are important for the proper function of immune responses and regulating inflammation. Many of those who suffer from eczema are treated with topical doses of different synthesized corticosteroids. Doctors and patients agree that steroid creams have the power to treat the pr
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